

Maximum Path Sum from Leaf to Leaf



Coding Interview Question: Maximum Path Sum from Leaf to Leaf


Given the root of a binary tree, return the maximum sum of a path between any two leaves in the binary tree. You may assume that the binary tree is not skewed and contains at-least two nodes.


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#  - Input:
#               1
#             /   \
#            /     \
#           2       3
#            \     / \
#            -4   5   6
#            / \
#           7   8
#  - Output: 22
#  - Explanation: The maximum sum path between two leaves is [8, 5, 3, 6].

    from collections import namedtuple

    class Solution:
      def findMaximumSum(self, root: Node) -> int:
        Result = namedtuple('Result', ['leaf_to_leaf', 'root_to_leaf'])
        def s(root):
          if not root.left and not root.right:
            return Result(float('-inf'), root.data)
          if root.left and root.right:
            l, r = s(root.left), s(root.right)
            return Result(
              leaf_to_leaf = max(
                l.leaf_to_leaf + r.root_to_leaf + root.data
              root_to_leaf = max(l.root_to_leaf, r.root_to_leaf) + root.data
          if root.left:
            l = s(root.left)
            return Result(l.leaf_to_leaf, l.root_to_leaf + root.data)
            r = s(root.right)
            return Result(r.leaf_to_leaf, r.root_to_leaf + root.data)
        return s(root).leaf_to_leaf



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